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(A draft for Game Design Workshop course at FSU.)

Treasure has fallen from the hoard of a dragon, and you are just a simple pixie looking for a quick buck. However, enemies lurk in the shadow, looking for an excuse to attack anything that'll get in their way. Collect as many coins as you can for as long as you can. Be careful, any hit will knock you down!

Controls use WASD to move the pixie around the screen.

Dev Logs Control the pixie to collect coins will avoiding enemies. Both coins and enemies spawn from multiple directions. Enemies also shoot out one projectile that goes faster than them Game Over screen is triggered by both collision of enemies and their projectiles.

Models and art were made by Rebecca Schlier

Last updated 2.21.25

Updated 15 hours ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withUnity


Coins_and_Chaos.zip 5.8 MB

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